2011년 8월 22일 월요일

Brief for my space

My brief:

My own personal space would be a bookshop where people can come and read books freely + small working studio for the author.
My bookshop will be selling just one type of book. (haven't decided what kind of book I'm going to do) Maybe it can relate/ link with the other stores in the building. 

Space requirements:
-Small space for the writer to work (must be separated from the selling area) to create more privacy 
-Quiet, relaxing atmosphere
-Not much sunlight --> can damage the books
-It will be good if the view is good from where people are reading books
-Good display for the books
-Comfortable sofa/ seating area for the readers

Laser cutting


New topic: Gathering

We have to design a 5 story building with 5 different people having their own space for whatever they might do. 1 for myself and 4 other people.

Today in the group we all decide on what we want to do. So I have decided to do a bookshop with a working space for the writer.
But I need to go in more detail what I specially want for my space.

Tonight I'm going to…
-finalize my brief and post it on the blog --> also need to link it in Facebook.
-think about what 4 other spaces that can go with my space in the building.

2011년 8월 19일 금요일

Final design scale 1:1 modelling

Images of the final model making.

Change in plan for model making

This is the right bottome corner of the design. It also shows both feature of this design but shows more construction, how the shelfs are placed...etc..

I figured out the measurement using the same method but with a real size.
After I decided on the measurement, I went to the workshop to have the material cut and to make a model.

2011년 8월 17일 수요일

Concept model

As I had trouble figuring out the scale of the model, I have made a quick mock-up to help my understanding of the scale.

I have changed some scale of the previous measurements as it didnt look at well.

However after making this mock-up, I have changed my mind of choosing this area for model making because it didnt look as whata i thought it would look like. I didnt really like the appearance of ths part so I have decided to change the area that I am going to model.

I will going to decide a different area for model making (scale 1:1)

Model concepts/ development

After I have done the development and came up with a initial final design, I have looked at different areas of the design for the model making.

As my design of the bench with a bookshelf is tall, i had to carefully decide where I want to model it. I wanted to choose an area where it shows both how people can sit and how the bookshelf is layed out with the bench.

I have decided to do the left bottom corner which showed the bench and the bookshelf.
And started thinking of the size. however I found it difficult to imagine the real size so I might make a small mock-up to see the scale better.


2 developments that I did after the reviewing what i had to devlop.

After doing few developments the design had changed from boz shape to a rectangular shape because of the height. I have taken consideration of average person's height and the hwight of the tree to see the realtionship between these.

Also the shape of the bookshelf inside has change. I have placed more shelves underneath the seating area so it can be more stabled. Safter for the users.

Chosen concept

I have drawn some sketches where I need to develop for this design.

Firstly 2 seating areas need to be changed.
seating (1) is too high up so users cant reach it so need to lower the seat for comfort.
seating (2) is that slope going to be comfortable for the users??
how long does it seat needs to be??
Also the height. How high do I have to make this.

Also I need to consider the material.
--> maybe wood will be a good idea for the design because it will go well with the site. NATURE.

So I need to consider these factors when I'm developing.



I have drawn some concepts.
I've got the idea from natural shapes from the site like trees, branches, water fountain.



Some designs are portable like concept4 which is made out of light material so its easy to move around so people can just move the seat to where they want to see and read.
Concept3 can be transformed into different shapes as some of the shape is rectangular and stack on top of each other so they can easily taken out and can be used.



I have chosen to use concept6 because I like the shape of the bookshelf and the bench. Also like the way how both of them are in one thing, together.
However there are some aspects that i need to change to make it more realistic and comfortable for the users


concept 1 has a shape of a tree. I havent decide to use this one because its too high up which means people can easily reach for the books and also at the bottom, there is no use. its just a bookshelf not a bench with a bookshelf. No place to sit on.

First drawing

I have first drawn something with the site for the second meeting with the tutors.

I have drawn a bedroom in the park area because when I thought of books, I was always in the bedroom for reading. Relaxing and comfortable place where I can read for a long time. --> reason why I have chosen this site (the park) where it had a water and green grass.

However after talking to the tutors, the bedroom wasn't a place where i directly gain knowledge so I started to look at how i sit when i'm reading.

I normally sit down so I have decided to design a bench with a bookshelf.

Topic2: Sustenance

First thing that I did after knowing the topic is 'sustenance', thinking of my daily routine, what I do everyday and what is important to me. I have recorded my routine and realised, 'books' came out alot. so I have decided to design something relating to books and knowledge.

Peer review 3:

Peer reivew 2:

Peer review 1:

2011년 8월 3일 수요일

Final design

This is the final product that I came up with.
I have screenshoted the building showing different perspective.

My idea was  'finding the way through'.
The entrance is narrow and wider as go inside.
Darker colour (dark brown) is used at the front --> lighter brighter colour (used glow effect on the material) for the other side.
Slowly the colour gets brigher --> waking up, finding the way through, going to a new path.
Our sight gets wider and wider then finally see more side of a certain thing.
Glass material has been used at the end of the building so the whole view can be seen. The building is placed at the top where there arent many buildng around it.  It doesnt block our view.

I have levelled the floor. showing the process of reaching there. higher and higher, knowing more and more, you can see more and new things/side. At the top, there is a glass fence. It looks like an end but it isn't there are always more pathway to go. Curves rotating showing there are more pathways.  

2011년 8월 2일 화요일

Screenshot in Secondlife

Looking at the sketches I did, I started making.
Firstly I had done the walls with windows. repetition of rectangular shape windows. The building is symmetrical. It doesnt show what i really want to show so I might try changing the size of the rectangle. smaller --> bigger. irregularly (as we dont know where we are exactly going).

I have also layered 2 layers of different texture. but the texture of water doesnt relate that well so need to find another texture or material for example 'wood' will be a good idea.
And can  use 2 different material. wood and glass.
And I couldnt do more because it was unable to create new object, the region was full.